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Know your brain. Make the world better.

Know your brain. Make the world better.

How is the ‘human’ mind, behavior, and society realized in the brain? We are developing "human brain science" to unravel its secret. Utilizing function neuroimaging, physiological and behavioral measurements, and social surveys, we aim to become a "hub" that connects all disciplines related to humanity from basic to applied. We look forward to your participation.



23rd Human Neuroscience Seminar: Social Interaction and Language Communication

We are pleased to have hosted the 23rd Human Neuroscience Seminar, which focused on the neural basis


Year-end party in 2024

On December 6th, we held a year-end party. This event included a welcome celebration for our ne


Exploring Writing Mechanisms in Second Language Through the Integration of Behavioral and Neuroscience Methods (New Research Grant Awarded)

We are thrilled to announce the successful award of the TOEFL COE 2025 Research Program grant for ou


sports competition (table tennis / VICTORY!!)

We participated in a sports event (table tennis) held by the Institute of Development, Aging, and Ca


Disaster Communication Neuroscience in Foreign Languages (Selected for Tohoku University-UCL Matching Fund)

Tohoku University and University College London (UCL) have selected eight interdisciplinary collab


fMRI Study on Deep Comprehension in Second Language Reading (Poster Presentation)

How can we promote "deep comprehension" beyond surface-level understanding when reading in


The impact of conversational eyebrow movements on intention recognition: An fMRI Study (Poster presentation)

In face-to-face conversations, when asking questions, the onset of eyebrow movements usually comes e


Exploring Brain Activity with fMRI: Effects of Multimodal Input on Language Learning (Poster Presentation)

What mechanisms support reading comprehension in a second language (L2), and how does multimodal inf


The Role of Gesture in Second Language Acquisition: an fMRI study (Poster Presentation)

I attended the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 2024 conference from October 24 to October 2


Cross-linguistic Sentence Production in Chinese-Japanese Bilinguals: An fMRI Study (Poster Presentation)

How do bilinguals process and integrate syntactic information when generating sentences in different


How Language Shapes Emotion: An fMRI Study of Emotion Verbalization in First and Second Languages (Poster Presentation)

I just finished a poster presentation at this year's Society for the Neurobiology of Language (S


Do you consider yourself to be superior to others in every domain? (Paper publication)

People tend to have positive self-evaluations in which they believe they are better than others. How


The effect of self-esteem to social pressure and cignitive performance

Self-esteem has an anxiety-buffering function, and rising self-esteem makes people not to feel anxie


The neural basis of preference for sad music (poster presentation / award)

I gave a poster presentation of my research at The 6th Coregulating Social Brain Group. My theme is


Exploring New Vocabulary Acquisition Research Using Brain Imaging Technique (22nd Human Brain Sciences Seminar)

Exploring New Vocabulary Acquisition Research Using Brain Imaging Technique (22nd Human Brain Scien


Uncovering social motivations in daily dialogue modes: an fMRI study (Poster Presentation)

There are several kinds of social motivation present in our social interactions with different peopl


Tohoku University Institure of Development,Aging and Cancer(IDAC)
International Center for Smart Ageing Research (map) 3F
Seiryo-cho 4-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan