The Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for Deep Thinking Ability (or Wisdom) in the Elderly (Symposium)
Although memory and other skills may have declined, many elderly people may have retained the deep t
Victims can make moral decisions more difficult (Poster presentation)
In moral dilemmas like the trolley problem, it is not only the value differences between the options
An fMRI study of heuristic price perception and "Power to live" (Poster presentation)
Consumers are evoked the low price image for the just below price ending in 8, regardless of whether
How Disaster Prevention Videos Contribute to Tsunami Evacuation(Paper publication)
Disaster education through videos is widely used to promote evacuation from earthquakes and tsunamis
Relationship between Risk Perception Attitudes and Individual Factors Contributing to Tsunami Evacuation Decision Making (Paper publication)
In coastal areas, when an earthquake occurs, people need to take evacuation actions from the tsunami
Social interaction make second language more emotional! An fMRI Study (Paper publication)
It has been reported that bilinguals experience different emotions when using different languages. T
Research Exchange with Shandong University Students
As part of the JST Sakura Program, faculty members and graduate students from Shandong University in
How does the brain volume of people with eating disorders differ from that of healthy individuals? (Paper publication)
It has been revealed that there are several neurological differences between people with eating diso
Exploring the Psychological and Brain Basis of Adaptive Responses Based on Eight Factors of the Power to Live with Disasters (Symposium Special Lecture)
The eight factors of the power to live with disasters revealed in a survey of survivors of the Great
Cognitive Neuroscience Application Center, Tohoku University to be established in April 2024
Applied cognitive neuroscience is a field that aims to utilize comprehensive knowledge based on cogn