Research News Details
The Self in the Brain
How is the ‘self’ born in the brain and how it affects our cognition, behavior, and social adaptation? We are trying to solve mysteries about various aspects of the self, such as physical, social, and mental health.
202303.14 Brain hesitant to help others (Paper publication) Posted in RESEARCH
While many people know that they should help the person in need in front of them, they often hesitate to do so. What is going on in their brains at that moment? What is the difference between those who hesitate and those who do not? The results of a collaborative fMRI study led by Ms. Vidya Gani Wijaya of Atma Jaya Catholic University (Indonesia) on the brain mechanisms that impede altruistic help were published as “Why people hesitate to help: Neural correlates of the counter-dynamics of altruistic helping and individual differences in daily helping tendencies” in Frontiers in Psychology. (Sugiura)