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Research News Details

Language and communication

Humans create a society through communication, and language is its powerful tool to convey feelings and move people. Elucidation of the neural bases of these functions and their acquisition is expected to contribute to understanding humanity and to educational applications.

201810.12 Difference between the Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroscience (UCL-TU Joint Neuroscience Workshop) Posted in RESEARCH

When cognitive neuroscience tries to contribute to the solution of social problems, the challenge it faces is the psychosocial one, namely, the absence of adequate cognitive hypotheses. The frontier of the cognitive neuroscience exists outside the brain. I presented my opinion on this essential difference between the cognitive neuroscience and neuroscience in the neuoscience workshop held as a part of the kick-off partnership event between the University Collage London and Tohoku University. (Sugiura)
