Research News Details
Language and communication
Humans create a society through communication, and language is its powerful tool to convey feelings and move people. Elucidation of the neural bases of these functions and their acquisition is expected to contribute to understanding humanity and to educational applications.
202004.01 How can we learn using tools by just observing? (New research project) Posted in RESEARCH
Human is presumably the only species with the ability to use such a large number of different tools. We often learn how to use certain tools by just observing others using them. What kind of neural mechanisms support such effecient learning? I will explore the neural substrat of "observatory learning of tool use" by combining research measures of behavioural experiments and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The four-year research project has been adopted by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists). (Ishibashi)