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Research News Details

202101.22 How should we interpret the 'versatile' function of human ATL? Posted in RESEARCH

We held the 13th meeting of the Human Brain Science Seminar on 22 January.@(Ishibashi)

The theme this time was "Various cognitive functions in human anterior temporal lobe (ATL)". Two spekers talked about their recent studies on different cognitive functions in the human ATL region.
The two presenters and three specilists in human neuroscience discussed how we should bind together various findings about ATLs to interpret the general cognitive role of this region and its underlying mechanism. The discussion ranged from the different methods the presenters used in their studies and the types of human memory relevant to their topics to possile cross-cultural comparisons of social concepts like shame and sin. The event has successfully provided an opportunity to study the function of this intriguing brain region from various perspectives. (Ishibashi)

<13th Human Brain Science Seminar>
Date&Time: 22 January 2021, 14:00-16:30
Venue: online (Zoom)

Theme:Various cognitive functions in human anterior temporal lobe

Talk1: Ryo Ishibashi
Title: Tool concept representation in anterior temporal lobes revealed by multi-voxel pattern analysis

Talk2: Carlos Makoto Miyauchi
Title: Temporal pole as a specific neural correlate of shame compared to guilt

Haining Cui
Kentaro Oba
Motoaki Sugiura
