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MonthlyFSeptember 2024

202409.07 Does the number of surrounding others influence evacuation decision (Conference Poster Presentation). Posted in RESEARCH

It is known that the actions of others influence evacuation behavior during a disaster, but does the number of others also influence evacuation behavior? We conducted an experiment in which we simulated an uncertain disaster situation and manipulated the number of evacuees and non-evacuees in the surrounding area. As a result, we quantitatively proved that the presence of evacuees and non-evacuees themselves, rather than their numbers, promote and inhibit evacuation behavior, respectively. These results were presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association under the title “Influence of Others' Behavior on Judgment of Evacuation Behavior under Uncertain Situations” in collaboration with Chika Yamanami et al. of Fujitsu Limited. (Sugiura)
