Mapping Human Behavior (Symposium)
Posted in EVENT
Human cognition and behavior are controlled by a variety of “maps” in the brain, and the diversity of these maps and their processing creates the diversity of human behavior.
Geographical maps, body-space perception, geo-political maps, hazard maps, network maps, human-relationship maps...
Being able to read a map is not the same as reaching a destination without getting lost. Some people can read the past and the future from maps, while others cannot.
We held an online symposium with the aim of building a new fusion academic field, in which the meaning of maps for individuals and society can be read in a holistic (meta) way using a multifaceted approach (social, psychological, cognitive, brain), and this comprehensive knowledge can be applied to education, social design, and manufacturing (education, economy, law, and engineering). (Sugiura)
Human cognition and behavior are controlled by a variety of “maps” in the brain, and the diversity of these maps and their processing creates the diversity of human behavior.
Geographical maps, body-space perception, geo-political maps, hazard maps, network maps, human-relationship maps...
Being able to read a map is not the same as reaching a destination without getting lost. Some people can read the past and the future from maps, while others cannot.
We held an online symposium with the aim of building a new fusion academic field, in which the meaning of maps for individuals and society can be read in a holistic (meta) way using a multifaceted approach (social, psychological, cognitive, brain), and this comprehensive knowledge can be applied to education, social design, and manufacturing (education, economy, law, and engineering). (Sugiura)
Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Time: 10:00 - 12:30
Method: Online method (ZOOM)
10:00 Opening
10:05 「fMRIの基礎と脳内地図」杉浦元亮(加齢医学研究科)
10:25 「発達障害者における対人距離マッピングの特異性」横田晋務(教育学研究科)
10:45 「異分野連携による工業技術開発での脳内マップ活用の提案」菊池紗耶(医学系研究科)
11:05 「サイバー空間の距離の認識」三浦直樹(東北工業大学)
11:20 break
11:25 「近隣環境が人々の空間認知に及ぼす影響の解明」永田彰平(災害科学国際研究所)
11:40 「ハザードマップを読むときの脳」姥浦道夫(災害科学国際研究所)
11:55 「津波ハザードマップにおけるリスク表現と評価の関係性」山梨裕太(災害科学国際研究所)
12:10 「空間理解が避難行動に及ぼす影響」新家杏奈(災害科学国際研究所)
12:25 Closing