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MonthlyFMarch 2024

202403.19 People with eating disorders have different neural network compared with healthy people? (Paper publication) Posted in RESEARCH

Functional connectivity, which is the network activation pattern of several brain regions, is important as well as brain activation in a specific single brain region. Several studies have suggested that people with eating disorders have different functional connectivity compared with healthy people.  the reliability and reproducibility of previous studies were limited because of relatively small sample sizes. Therefore, under the leadership of Dr. Atsushi Sekiguchi, the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, five centers (Chiba University, Kyushu University, Kyoto University, Tohoku University, and University of Occupational and Environmental Health) cooperated and collected MRI data to analyze them as one big data. In Tohoku University, we collected the data by collaborating with the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital using MRI equipment at the Brain MRI Center of the Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer.
In this paper, Chiba University was in charge of analyzing functional connectivity data. We found that functional connectivity among various brain regions was different between people with anorexia and healthy people. Moreover, functional connectivity among visual processing regions was different according to subtypes of anorexia, restrictive type and binge-purge type. These results were published in a paper entitled “Comprehensive elucidation of resting-state functional connectivity in anorexia nervosa by a multicenter cross-sectional study” in Psychological Medicine (Hamamoto).
