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202405.27 What neural basis do emotional control characteristics contribute to tsunami evacuation decision making?:An fMRI Study (Poster Presentation) Posted in RESEARCH

Previous studies have found that emotional regulation characteristics contribute to immediate tsunami evacuation. However, it has not been clarified how this emotion regulation  contributes to immediate tsunami evacuation, what kind of emotion is involved in the term "emotion" in the first place, or what brainactivity makes it possible.

This time, we presented a poster on the above results from an fMRI experiment using a tsunami evacuation simulation task developed in our laboratory at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 Disaster Prevention and Literacy Committee. We were able to receive sharp remarks and constructive discussions from researchers unfamiliar with cognitive neuroscience.(Takubo)

Presentation title : What neural basis for emotional control traits facilitate tsunami evacuation decision making; an fMRI study
