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201907.27 Non-linguistic bases of language and its acquisition (Symposium) Posted in RESEARCH

- “Auditory processing and second language acquisition.“ Adam Tierney (Birkbeck, University of London)
- “Neural mechanisms of hierarchical structure building in language and mathematics.” Michiru Makuuchi (National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities)@
- “Neurocognitive Correlates of Scientific Text Comprehension: Individual Differences in Executive Functions, Electronic Device Usage and Reading Habits.” Chun-Ting Hsu (Pennsylvania State University/ Kyoto University)
- “The role of social cognition in language learning.” Hyeonjeong Jeong (Tohoku University)
A lively debate took place.

Thank you very much. Cheers!
Does a language-specific neural substrate really exist? At least in various language-non-specific brain mechanisms play an important role in daily language use and acquisition of it ability. An international symposium focusing on non-verbal neural basis of language function and its acquisition was held at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (July 25-28, 2019. Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan).(Sugiura)