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List of events

The Interface of Spirituality and Brain Research (Symposium)Posted in EVENT


The potential of brain research for deeper understanding and better practice of spirituality were di


Adaptation of "self" to AI society (Symposium)Posted in EVENT


How will the ongoing rapid technological expansion beyond human knowledge, such as artificial intell


Adaptability of "self" in AI/VR society (Workshop presentation)Posted in EVENT


Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are brin


Toward Diverse Development of MRI-Based Collaborative Research (Brain MRI Center)Posted in EVENT


With the expectation of further development of collaborative research using MRI, we have advertised


Will the findings of the power to live and its brain bases guide us in the coming BANI world ? (Symposium presentation)Posted in EVENT


Will the findings of the eight factors of the power to live and their brain bases guide us in the co


Our lab. participated in the Tohoku University Visiting DayPosted in EVENT


We participated in Tohoku U Visiting Day in 2023 (26 - 27, Jul). A few panels introducing current re


Welcome Party for Takemoto Sensei Posted in EVENT


We held a welcome party for Takemoto Sensei who joins the lab from June 1st 2023. We ate Brazilian F


Common background cognitive factors for religiosity and widespread human diffusion? (Invited talk)Posted in EVENT


Is there a common cognitive control process behind human religiosity and the Great Journey of humank


Welcome party for Tsuchiya-san and Shirahama-sanPosted in EVENT


We held a party during lunch to welcome two new members into Sugiura lab: Tsuchiya-san and Shirahama


Celebration Party for Jeong Sensei!Posted in EVENT


We held celebration party for Prof.Jeong. Congratulations! We believe this is just the  beginni
