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Know your brain. Make the world better.

Know your brain. Make the world better.

How is the ehumanf mind, behavior, and society realized in the brain? We are developing "human brain science" to unravel its secret. Utilizing function neuroimaging, physiological and behavioral measurements, and social surveys, we aim to become a "hub" that connects all disciplines related to humanity from basic to applied. We look forward to your participation.



Tohoku University Professor Fujino Incentive Award 2024

I have received the Professor Fujino Incentive Award 2024, Tohoku University. I am very honored


Welcome Party!

We held a welcome party for the three new members to our lab (Tanaka san, Kaneko san and Yasumi san)


An international collaborative fMRI study to elucidate language behavior during disasters (article in press)

Successful disaster management requires appropriate language communication and correct behavioral ch


A Social Neuroimaging Approach to Generational Interests (Workshop)

Individual empathy can sometimes lead to co-poorness as a group. Why is this so? How can we prevent


Does the number of surrounding others influence evacuation decision (Conference Poster Presentation).

It is known that the actions of others influence evacuation behavior during a disaster, but does the


The long-term memory may have an inhibitory effect from working memory (Poster presentation)

A classic model of memory assumes that information stored in the short-term memory is automatically


the neural mechanisms underlying preference for sad music (symposium presentation)

I presented my research on the neural mechanisms underlying the preference for sad music at the symp


Brain mechanisms of self-presentation adjustment to social rejection (Symposium Presentation)

People can regulate their self-presentation to others based on the feedback of social interaction, w


Exploring the Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience in Declining Birthrates (Workshop)

  The declining birthrate is the biggest socioeconomic issue in Japan, but the government'


Party to send off and to welcome

We had a lunch party to report Hamamoto sensei's return, to send off Choi-san and Liu Yu-san who


Interdisciplinary research x Neuroscience Research meeting

In recent years, there has been a demand for collaboration with clinical practice and society and so


Supports for Persons with Disabilities x Neuroscience Research meeting

In cognitive neuroscience research related to disability, there have been numerous studies on brain


hPain x Positive Psychology x Neuroscience" symposium

  We will invite professors from the fields of medicine, physiology, cognitive neuroscience, c


Virtual reality x Cognitive Science Research Seminar

June 3, at 3:00 p.m., RIEC and IDAC organized a seminar for sharing and discussing the results of th


Online course "Introduction to Human Brain Science" [Japanese]

Human brain science uses functional brain imaging technology to visualize the cognitive processes in


Neural mechanism of ASMR (Research meeting)

ASMR is a concept and term that has been discussed by some members of the public mainly on the Inter


Tohoku University Institure of Development,Aging and CanceriIDACj
International Center for Smart Ageing Research (map) 3F
Seiryo-cho 4-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan